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Information on the Cookies used on the website


Last update: April 12, 2020

Our site uses cookies to differentiate between users who access it and provide services

A cookie is a small alphanumeric file stored on your hard drive or browser on a computer, tablet, smartphone, or similar device when you browse the Internet. Cookies allow us to provide relevant information about our products and services and to provide you with a better experience when you browse our site.

Most of the cookies we use are analytical , which count users, help us understand how to navigate our site and help improve the way the site works, for example, by making the results more accurate. in case of searches.

We also use certain cookies for advertising purposes, so that we can more effectively manage the presentation of our products on other platforms where users can request services, such as Facebook or Google.

None of our cookies store personal information such as your name or address. Please note that you may at any time configure or restrict the cookies used, including by enabling the private mode option in your browser.

What kind of cookies do we use?

Depending on the type of organization that manages them:

• Proprietary cookies installed by our own site to ensure the operation of the pages.

• Third party cookies: installed by third party websites.

For example, if we include content from YouTube or Flickr or Facebook on our own website or on buttons that users can use to share content on social networks, a user who accesses such content from the site own may have cookies added from these third parties.

Chiric & Chiric does not control these third party cookies and therefore the user must review the cookie policies of these websites for additional information.

Depending on the time period , they remain active in the user's system:

• Session cookies: collect and store data only while the user is visiting the website.

• Persistent cookies: they remain stored on a computer and can be accessed and managed by the organization responsible for the cookie for a certain period of time or until the user deletes it.

Depending on the purpose for which the data is collected through cookies:

• Technical cookies: allow the user to use various options that they facilitate: for example, traffic control and data communication, identifying a session, accessing restricted areas, making a purchase, requesting a subscription or making an online appointment.

• Personalization cookies: allow the user to access services with certain personalized features, such as language, browser type, configuration for the region from which the user accesses the services, etc.

• Analytical cookies: allow website managers to track and analyze user behavior on a website so that they can improve the information by analyzing data on the use of the site by users of its services.

• Advertising cookies: allow the management of advertising space that third-party advertising providers such as Facebook, Google, etc., have included on a website where services are offered, based on criteria such as the type of content or the frequency with which the content is displayed.

Ways to configure and disable cookies depending on the browser used:

Internet Explorer

  • left mouse click on Settings icon (top right)

  • left click with the mouse on Internet Options

  • left-click on Privacy and then choose the options

  • left-click on Apply and then OK to save your preferences


  • left-click on the key icon and select Options from the list

  • left click with the mouse on the "Advanced settings" tab

  • left-click on Content Settings in the Privacy section.

  • choose the settings you want

  • left click with the mouse on X to close


  • choose Preferences

  • left click with the mouse on the privacy panel

  • choose the settings you want

  • left click with the mouse on X to close

Mozilla Firefox

  • select Tools from the main bar, then Options

  • left-click on the Privacy tab

  • choose the settings you want

If you encounter any problems or would like to notify us of a specific problem, please contact us in one of the ways listed below.

Thank you and we wish you a pleasant experience on our website.

Chiric & Chiric Civil Law Firm

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Societate Civilă de Avocați CHIRIC & CHIRIC

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